Help For Children uses a two-stage process for the grant application:
STEP 1: Letter of Intent
Organizations that meet the geographical criteria in the What We Fund section above complete and submit the Letter of Intent (LOI). Deadlines for the Letter of Intent vary by geographic area.
After internal review, selected organizations are invited to submit a full proposal. Declined Letters of Intent are acknowledged.
Note that current grantees skip the Letter of Intent stage if they are reapplying for the same program. While current grantees are encouraged to reapply, they are not guaranteed continued funding.
The 2025 grant application is now closed. The 2026 grant application will open on July 1, 2025. The 2026 grant cycle will be from July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027.
STEP 2 (by invitation only): Request for Proposal
Complete the Request for Proposals and submit as directed, along with the supporting documentation.
All proposals are reviewed by a Grants Committee, made up of Help For Children staff, Board members, and the Academic Consultant.
Site visits are scheduled with potential grantees. Grantees might be requested to do a presentation to the Grants Committee.
The Grants Committee, with the guidance of the Academic Consultant, makes the final funding decisions and grants are awarded.
Applicants are notified of their grant status the month before the grant year begins.